One piece: 10 Most Expensive Devil Fruits in the World!

Many may not realize that there are several devil fruits that have fantastic value which makes them the most expensive in the world. Devil fruit is one of the powerful powers in the One Piece story, which is the reason many people are after it. And what's interesting is that because many people are after this powerful power, devil fruit apparently has a fairly high price range when sold on the black market. The following are the devil fruits that are considered the most expensive in the world, based on price information already known in the story and based on estimated prices.

10Bara Bara No Mi – 100 Million Belly

Bara Bara no Mi or Chop-Chop Fruit is a Paramecia type devil fruit, where all of the user's body parts can separate within a certain range. And they also almost certainly will not be injured by even a deadly attack. Unfortunately, even though its power sounds extraordinary, people don't really pay attention to this devil fruit, aka it is very underrated.

Buggy is the owner of this devil fruit. Many people suspect that Buggy is not maximizing the potential of the Bara Bara devil fruit. In fact, his devil fruit is proven to be very strong. For example, in the events at Marineford Buggy had no effect whatsoever on Mihawk's famously powerful attacks. This devil fruit has also protected Buggy from other dangerous enemies and even protected him from various terrible things when he was in Impel Down.

Actually, as appears in the storyline, Buggy accidentally ate the devil fruit. He initially wanted to sell the devil fruit on the black market, where it was believed to be worth quite a lot. If you look at the power of this devil fruit, the estimated price of the Bara Bara no Mi when sold on the black market is 100 million Belly, which is quite the right figure.

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